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Offline Training

RESD Solar PV Training Programme

       The Indonesian and the Swiss government are collaborating through a project called "Renewable Energy Skills Development" (RESD) to support 5 training institutions in Indonesia in developing training for installation, operations, and maintenance of solar PV systems. This was a Training of Trainers ("ToT"), in which the participants of the training were engineers and technicians from different areas in Indonesia such as Aceh, Ambon, Ternate, and Lombok. After receiving the training, they will return to their hometown and train the local people in their areas. 

Dipl. Phys. Raden Pelangi Saichu, Technical Representative of SMA Solar Technology AG (supported by PT Inutec Surya Indonesia), participated in providing the training. Mr. Pelangi taught about SMA Energy systems and gave hands-on training on how to install the inverters.

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E-mobility at home: Refuel with solar power

Integrated safety and better performance of STP Core 1

HES 2020: SMA Sunny Island Webinar

SMA Data Manager M: News and grid management services

Maximize system service life: SMA Repowering solutions

Tailored solutions for higher yields

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